This privacy statement sets out the data processing practices carried out through the use of the internet and other electronic communications by Local Greens. Local Greens regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as important to our successful operations and to the maintenance of confidence of those with whom we deal. We will ensure that our staff and those acting on our behalf obtain, use and disclose personal information lawfully and correctly. To this end we fully endorse and adhere to the principles of data protection, as set out in the UK Data Protection Act 1998. In particular we will: observe the conditions in the Act regarding the fair collection and use of personal information (please see below regarding personal information collected via our website); meet our legal obligations to specify the purposes for which we process personal information; collect and process appropriate personal information, only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil our operational needs or to comply with any legal requirement; ensure the accuracy of any personal information kept by us; apply checks to determine the length of time personal information is held by us; ensure that the rights of people about whom personal information is held, are able to be exercised under the Act; take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal information.
Information collection
We collect personal information from visitors to this website when you request a specific service, such as our email newsletter, through the use of online forms, and every time you email us your details. We also collect information about the transactions you when you buy tickets or donate, including potentially details of the payment cards used.
We collect additional information automatically each time you visit our website:
- Your server address (for example 987.654.32.1)
- The date and time of the visit to the site
- The pages accessed
- The previous site accessed
- The type of browser used
- Your operating system (for example Apple Mac, Windows etc)
Use of personal information
We process personal information collected via this website exclusively for the following purposes:
- Dealing with your inquiries and requests
- Administering orders
- Maintaining information as a reference tool or general resource
- Carrying out market research campaigns