Local Greens was founded in 2011 in Herne Hill, South London, by eco-conscious mums who wanted to provide fresher, fairer and more local food for their families and neighbourhoods.
Our founders embarked on a search for maximum freshness and minimum food miles, which led them to a new system that was outside of big agriculture and conventional farming practices common in supermarket supply chains.
Small, sustainable, UK-based growers supply most of the veg and fruit for our bags. By working together with farmers, Local Greens develops lasting relationships and working partnerships that benefit everyone on the food chain.
All of our suppliers are either certified organic, organic-in-conversion, or spray-free farms. The work of these small-scale farms tends to be more labour intensive (compared to conventional growing) and provides employment for people in rural areas, as well as contributes directly to the economic and social well being of those communities.
The ongoing practice of driving down the prices paid to farmers and producers has lead to untold hardship and negative consequences for local and global environments. We pay farmers their asking price in order to produce sustainable food. We also make our supply chain as short as from farm - to us - to you to ensure the freshest veg with the fewest possible touch points to make it to your home.
We partner with like-minded local businesses as collection points for our veg bags. Instead of delivering bags door-to-door and racking up our carbon footprint, we believe that involving the local community adds more to our model and for our customers. Our network includes a range of locations from pubs and cafes to shops and allotments. We have collection points throughout Lambeth and Southwark. Discover a point convenient to you and find out who is apart of Our Community.