Big news from Local Greens HQ!
We're moving to a new account management platform to help you better manage your account and veg bags. Our new system is called Growing Good, and it will be more modern and a smoother experience for everyone. New features will include:
- Updated billing options
- weekly / fortnightly billing available and only charged when you have an order
- card payment instead of direct debit available
- Clearer account management
- New dashboard to keep track of everything
To migrate to the new system, we need your help!
All customers must go to and set up a new account before March. Follow the prompts there to guide you through the super easy set-up.
Very important! Sign up using the same email address as your existing Local Greens account. Matching your email address is how we will be able to port over your account history.
We are moving from Go Cardless to Stripe so all payments will need to go through a debit / credit card. We do not store any of your payment details on our systems.
That's it!
Please note, you will not be able to access your Local Greens account to make updates / changes for about 12 hours during the migration period. We'll update you with specific dates / times nearer to the date. More info to come!
Thank you