The sun has been out over the last week and with that we’ve been thinking again about our London bee’s and honey! We were placed between Urban Bees at the Lambeth Country Show and over the 2 days brushed up on our knowledge. Here's the top bee-benefits:
Honey can be used as an antiseptic on wounds, an enzyme in honey slowly releases hydrogen peroxide disinfecting the wound whilst also covering it from dirt
Bee’s may be able to provide a solution to antibiotic resistance as they create a protein which they add to honey and has been shown to kill bacteria
It’s a natural source of energy with 17g of carbohydrates per tablespoon, plus with added nutrients and natural anti-oxidants it’s better than a Lucozade any day!
Proclaimed by some to relieve allergies if eaten regularly in the lead up to hay-fever season, particularly if eating local honey. Urban Bees and Pearly Queenshave a delicious variety of fragrant honey’s from different London boroughs.
If there ever needed to be a reason to put more honey on your porridge or into your tea you’ve now got one, or you could drink it with some of Pearly Queen 's Honey Beerwhich is made using honey exclusively from London bees using sustainable bee keeping practices!